How Long After Pedicure Can I Wear Shoes?

Shoes after a pedicure casually turn into a ruiner for your pedicures or a protector! There’s no in-between. So, that is why your question is “how long after pedicure can I wear shoes”? Right?

Let’s move forward to dig into the topic!

Surely shoes protect feet from almost everything but shoes right after a pedicure can become damaging to the nails. So it is important to maintain a time before you put your shoes on again after a pedicure.

And in this article, I will be telling you how long after a pedicure you can wear shoes and more related things you might have questions about.

How Long After Pedicure Can I Wear Shoes?

Pedicures mostly get ruined when the feet are not dried. So it is important to give feet enough time to dry themselves properly.

So basically, it is recommended not to wear shoes after a pedicure for around 8-12 hours. And salons are busy places and certainly, you cannot stay there for that long. So in this case, it is suggested to wait for around 70-90 minutes to somewhat dry your feet and then wear your shoes back on.

How Long After Pedicure Can I Wear Shoes

An Ideal Way to Wear Shoes After a Pedicure

Well, shoes are only allowed to wear after a pedicure when it’s an emergency or necessary. So when it’s done, it’s recommended to do it in a way that will not cause any damage to the pedicure.

If you wear closed-toed shoes, using cuticle oil on your toenails will be your first task. Some gentle brush of cuticle oil on the nails is enough. It keeps the toenails moist while your feet stay in the shoes.

After brushing the cuticle oil properly, wrap your feet with plastic. This will help the cuticle oil to keep your feet moisturized till you get home. It will also save your nails and nail paint from breaking and getting smudged.

Finally, put on your shoes.

And if you wear open-toed shoes, be extra careful as nails might get damaged if touched with solid things. It’s not important to wrap the feet while wearing open-toed shoes, but if you want, you can.

What Shoes are Preferred to Wear After a Pedicure?

Right after the pedicure mostly the feet stay wet or still undone. To protect the nails from getting damaged it is important to dry them properly.

But as emergencies or little journey from the salon to home requires shoes, it’s important to choose shoes wisely. The shoes that are preferred to wear after a pedicure is listed below with brief reasonings.

1# Flip-flops:

Flip-flops keep your feet protected from being suffocated. It keeps the nail paint protected from getting any kind of smudges from the shoes.

2# Open-Toed Shoes:

Open-toed shoes are also like flip-flops as it keeps the painted area saved from any kind of friction with shoes. It also ensures “no breaking” of nails.

3# Flat Boots or Sneakers:

You might be wondering if we are trying to avoid the rubs with shoes, how are boots or sneakers reliable? Well, these shoes can only be reliable if you wrap plastic on your feet the way I instructed above.

Which Shoes Should be Avoided After a Pedicure?

In contrast, based on a few circumstances some shoes need to be avoided too. You might at first get confused seeing the same kinds of shoes in both of the sections, but once you know the reasons, you will realize the reasons.

  • Heels: Heels are asked to avoid after a pedicure because heels put all the weight of the body on the toes. And after the pedicure, for some time the nails stay very sensitive. So heels causes harm to the nails.
  • Sandals: Sandals are asked to avoid when you walk after getting a pedicure or there are some chances for your toenails to touch other things. Sandals are opened on every side of it, so it also makes the freshly pedicured feet dirty and invites germs.
  • Open-Toed Shoes: Likewise, open-toed shoes after a pedicure might cause damage if somehow you get your toenails touched hard by something. Some open-toed shoes still touch toes which causes damage as well.

Is It Okay to Wear Socks with Shoes After a Pedicure?

Socks after a pedicure is as controversial as shoes after a pedicure. When the feet are not dried properly there is a lot of damage that socks create. It sticks to the nail paint and ruins the nail paint, makes it smudgy, and also damages the shine.

So to wear socks with shoes after a pedicure, you need to wrap your feet with plastic first. Then the socks can be beneficial for your feet after the pedicure. It will keep your feet warm and ensure more protection.

But if you are deciding not to wrap your feet or not wear a shoe, don’t use socks unless you’re 100% sure that the paints are properly dried.

To be on the safe side, give your feet 8-12 hours after a pedicure to dry properly. Unless your toenails are dried properly in the UV machine, avoid wearing socks without plastic wrap.

However, you can most likely wear socks that are open-toed. But be careful not to touch them with your nails.

Tricks for Protecting a Pedicure

Now let’s take a look at some quick tricks or a quick check on how can you protect pedicured feet. It’s really easy if you are patient enough.

  1. Keep your feet untouched for the time suggested above.
  2. Make sure not to wear footwear that is too tight. Tight footwear damages the paint as well as the freshly done nails.
  3. If staying at home, sandals that are open-toed are good to go. Make sure you don’t wear such sandals that touch your nails while you walk.
  4. If going out with semi-wet feet for emergencies, make sure to cover them up properly with plastic before putting on the shoes. You can wear socks as well if the feet are properly covered with plastic.
  5. Keep your feet and toenails moisturized with lotion or cuticle oil. You can also use creams or petroleum jelly.
  6. Wear loose pants so that while removing or wearing them, no damages occur.
  7. Keep your feet untouched in natural air as soon as you reach home.

Final Thoughts

To sum up, it is fundamental to dry the feet and the toenails properly for a successful result.

So keep your feet untouched and without shoes for at least 8 hours. If any emergencies occur, 1-2 hours after a pedicure you can wear shoes. But make sure to dry your feet in a UV machine in this case.

For a perfect and beautiful pedicure, the mentioned tricks and tips have no alternatives.

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